Biden’s Debate Performance Fuels GOP Attacks on Democrats

Republican Senate candidate Dave McCormick is capitalizing on President Biden’s poorly received debate performance to challenge incumbent Sen. Bob Casey in Pennsylvania. McCormick’s campaign is airing an ad featuring a recording of Casey from March where he states, “No question, he’s prepared to do this job today, and would be, were he re-elected,” in reference to Biden. The ad also emphasizes the close bond between Biden and Casey, showcasing footage of Biden calling Casey “one of my best buddies.”

This criticism of Casey’s previous support for Biden’s mental fitness comes as Democrats across the country face similar scrutiny. The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) released an ad featuring several Democratic senators who are up for re-election, highlighting their past defenses of Biden’s cognitive abilities. The NRSC spokesman, Philip Letsou, stated, “Senate Democrats have spent years propping up Joe Biden despite his obvious mental deficiencies, now the world can see he isn’t fit for the job. This disaster is on their hands.”

Despite Democrats consistently downplaying concerns about Biden’s age and mental abilities, his less-than-stellar debate performance sparked immediate reports of panic within the party. Even on CNN and MSNBC, hosts and analysts acknowledged Biden’s struggles and the reported anxiety that followed. Senators like Casey, Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), Jon Tester (D-Mont.), Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.), and Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) are now caught in a difficult position, trying to balance their support for the party with appealing to a broader electorate. They will inevitably face questions about their previous statements endorsing Biden’s mental acuity, particularly as concerns about his fitness for office resurge.

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