Biogenic Carbon Testing: A Driving Force for Environmental Sustainability

In today’s environmentally conscious world, understanding the composition of gases, particularly their biogenic content, is pivotal. Beta Analytic’s -14 testing acts as a solution to address environmental concerns by measuring biogenic versus fossil carbon in hydrocarbon and fuel gases. Biogenic content is carbon-neutral, contrasting with fossil fuels that accelerate climate change. Regulatory compliance drives the necessity for biogenic carbon testing. This testing, which covers a wide array of gas targets including methane, propane, and butane, is essential for ensuring the integrity of clean fuel standards and promoting environmental sustainability.

Biogenic refers to renewably sourced carbon in fuels and emissions. -14 analysis via ASTM D6866 (Total Carbon) stands as the gold standard for biogenic carbon testing, effectively distinguishing between fossil and modern hydrocarbon/fuel gas feedstocks and product gases. When biomass is combusted, the CO2 that was previously captured by plants during photosynthesis is released. This makes biomass carbon-neutral as it does not contribute additional CO2 to the atmosphere unlike fossil fuel gases. Conversely, fossil fuel feedstocks are non-renewable resources. The CO2 released when fossil fuels are burned has been sequestered millions of years ago and has not been part of the active carbon cycle for a long time. This makes fossil fuels a major contributor to climate change.

Biogenic carbon testing conducted through ASTM D6866 for hydrocarbon and fuel gases produced from co-processing is required in various clean fuel standards across the US, Canada, and EU. Regulations encompass the US EPA Renewable Fuel Clean Fuel Regulations, and the EU’s Renewable Energy Directive II. Biogenic test results enable governments to uphold transparency in the allocation and management of associated tax credits or carbon credits.

ISO/IEC 17025:2017-accredited Beta Analytic serves as a -14 testing laboratory and an expert advisor on multiple biogenic standards. Accepting samples globally, Beta is committed to delivering high-quality results in a timely fashion. For more information, contact Beta Analytic or visit Beta Analytic 305-662-7760.

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