Boxing in Bukom: An Immersive Fitness Experience in Accra

In the vibrant city of Accra, I embarked on a fitness journey that would leave an unforgettable mark on me. For five days, I immersed myself in the small boxing community of Bukom, located in the historic Jamestown neighborhood.

Bukom is a hotbed for boxing, a sport that holds a deep cultural significance in Ghana. I joined a group of professionals from various fields, brought together by Palm Heights Athletics (PHA) for their inaugural Home Turf Series. PHA, the fitness arm of Palm Heights resort in the Cayman Islands, aims to connect athletes and non-athletes through the power of sport.

At Attoh Quarshie Boxing Club, we commenced our training with demanding drills. The temperature soared around 90 degrees, but the passion of the coaches and athletes kept us motivated. We practiced freestyle bag work and pad work combinations, which grew increasingly intricate as the sessions progressed.

The following day presented the most grueling workout—ten minutes of strenuous laps on the sand, followed by a punishing run up and down a steep outdoor staircase. This relentless routine culminated in high knees and jumping jacks, leaving my muscles trembling.

Our final workout was alongside Ghana’s national boxing team, the Black Bombers. They led us on a relentless run around the Accra Sports Stadium, repeatedly ascending and descending the stadium steps. Afterward, I received an assisted stretch that left me feeling both invigorated and deeply relaxed.

Despite the physical exertion, these workouts never felt like a chore. The hospitality and palpable passion for boxing created an atmosphere that made the experience genuinely enjoyable. Moreover, I found a sense of belonging in a gym filled with people who shared my background. As a Black woman living in New York City, I rarely encounter such diversity in fitness spaces.

The athletes in Accra generously shared their skills and time, adapting to our individual needs. Each session culminated in a joyous celebration of song, dance, and prayer. These moments grounded us and released endorphins that flowed through my body, ensuring a restful night’s sleep.

Ghana has produced six world championship boxers, five of whom hail from Bukom. This remarkable achievement is a testament to the determination and hard work of these athletes, who train diligently despite limited resources. Their success proves that state-of-the-art equipment and luxury amenities are not essential for reaching one’s athletic potential.

Inspired by the lessons learned in Bukom, I made a conscious effort to simplify my wellness routine. I prioritized stretching, sleep, and rehydration, incorporating these elements into my busy New York City lifestyle. While it may be more challenging in a fast-paced environment, I am committed to maintaining the consistency that Buatsi emphasized.

My journey in Bukom taught me the transformative power of community and the importance of finding joy in fitness. The experience left me motivated, energized, and stronger than I believed possible. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to have trained alongside these remarkable athletes and to have immersed myself in the vibrant boxing culture of Accra.

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