Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Prioritizing Health and Supporting Survivors

## Breast Cancer Awareness Month: A Call to Action for Early Detection and Support

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM), a global campaign dedicated to raising awareness about this prevalent disease and promoting early detection through screenings. While breast cancer remains the most common cancer among women worldwide, with millions of new cases diagnosed each year, early detection is key to significantly improving survival rates.

Early-stage breast cancer boasts a 5-year survival rate of 99%, highlighting the life-saving power of regular check-ups. However, this number drops dramatically for later-stage diagnoses, emphasizing the urgency of addressing the barriers that prevent women from accessing timely care.

The Importance of Breaking Down Taboos

Despite the crucial importance of regular check-ups, many women hesitate to prioritize their breast health due to societal pressures and taboos. Discussions surrounding breast exams can be uncomfortable in certain cultures, leading individuals to deprioritize their health in favor of family care or work responsibilities. This is a critical issue that needs to be addressed, as it directly impacts women’s access to vital healthcare services.

Addressing the Gender Gap in Healthcare

Gender inequality further exacerbates the challenges women face in accessing affordable and timely healthcare. Lower incomes and caregiving responsibilities often create financial barriers for women, making it harder for them to afford necessary screenings and treatments. The staggering cost of cancer care, estimated at $183 billion in 2020 in the US alone, disproportionately impacts women, highlighting the need for greater healthcare equity.

Prioritizing Health is Not Selfish

While the fear of receiving bad news, time constraints, and societal expectations can delay vital screenings, it’s essential to recognize that prioritizing one’s health is not selfish, it’s a necessity. It’s crucial to consult with healthcare providers for personalized advice and follow general guidelines from trusted organizations such as the American Cancer Society and WHO. Regular clinical breast exams are essential, and monthly self-exams can help identify any unusual lumps, skin changes, or other symptoms.

A Touch of Hope: The BOOBYLICIOUS Initiative

Her Highness, a women’s cannabis lifestyle brand, is taking a proactive approach to supporting breast cancer survivors. They are donating 20% of the proceeds from their limited-edition BOOBYLICIOUS cannabis-infused pre-rolls to My Hope Chest, an organization providing reconstructive surgery for breast cancer survivors without financial means.

Allison Krongard, a breast cancer survivor and co-founder of Her Highness, believes this initiative will offer healing and support to women on their journey. BOOBYLICIOUS is a powerful reminder that taking care of health should be a priority, and this initiative underscores the importance of healthcare equity and early detection.

This Breast Cancer Awareness Month, let’s collectively work towards breaking down barriers, promoting early detection, and supporting those affected by this disease. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of women around the world.

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