Britain Criticized for Inaction on Gaza Conflict

According to aid chiefs who recently returned from the Gaza war zone, the British government is failing to back up its criticism of Israel’s conflict with action. Melanie Ward, chief executive of Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP), warned of a “human slaughter” if Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu follows through on threats to launch a ground offensive in Rafah. She noted that while there has been a change in tone from Britain towards Netanyahu’s government since Dominic Raab became Foreign Secretary following the Hamas attack on Israeli civilians in October 2022, there has been little change in actual policy.

Ward criticized the British government for talking about the situation in Gaza and the need for more aid but not taking any concrete steps. Lord Raab has issued warnings to Netanyahu’s government to allow in more aid, restore water supplies, and refrain from an assault on Rafah, where over two million people have sought refuge from the fighting.

Ward and Bob Kitchen, vice president of emergencies for the International Rescue Committee (IRC), briefed reporters after their return from Gaza. Along with two London-based surgeons, they described the chaotic and unsanitary conditions under which they treated Palestinians with life-threatening injuries. Dr. Mahim Qureshi of Charing Cross Hospital noted that while doctors are doing their best, the population has suffered from a complete lack of healthcare for the past six to seven months. This has led to advanced diseases that could have been easily treated months ago, resulting in the loss of lives and limbs.

Despite the accusations of inaction, Israel maintains that Hamas fighters have used civilians as human shields and taken over hospitals as nerve centers for their operations. Kitchen, however, stated that he did not see any evidence of Hamas fighters during his time in Gaza. He expressed outrage at the lack of international action, particularly the continued arms sales to Israel by Britain and the United States.

The aid workers emphasized the dire situation in Rafah, where the density of the refugee population is staggering. They warned of serious health risks due to poor sanitation and the stench of raw sewage throughout Gaza. The Foreign Office declined to comment on the allegations.

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