Brits Spend Two Years of Their Lives Cleaning: Time to Find a More Efficient Way

Brits spend a staggering six hours and 16 minutes each week cleaning their homes, which equates to more than 13 full days a year or 855 full days over the average adult lifetime. A recent study of 2,000 adults revealed that Britons spend 54 minutes weekly on laundry, 25 minutes mopping floors, 35 minutes vacuuming, and 45 minutes washing dishes. However, their most dreaded tasks include cleaning toilets and windows and dusting, with 19% expressing particular disdain for mopping floors.

These chores add up to a significant investment of time, and it’s no wonder that many people are seeking more efficient ways to maintain their homes. A spokesperson for Flash, which commissioned the study to launch its new Power Spray Mop with a washable microfibre pad, highlights the importance of using the right tools and establishing a regular cleaning schedule to make the job easier and more effective.

The study also found that 21% of adults are simply ‘resigned’ to the amount of time they have to spend maintaining their homes each week, while 20% try to delegate tasks they don’t enjoy doing themselves. Spouses are the most likely recipients of this literal dirty work (63%), while 19% try to get their kids to do it.

Only 21% of those polled have a regular cleaning schedule, with 60% just doing things as needed. However, 82% claim they are more likely to give things a proper going-over if they have friends or family coming round. It also emerged that only 22% would describe their ability to clean their home as ‘very good’, with one in 20 actively admitting it’s ‘bad’.

Despite the challenges, there are some who find enjoyment in certain cleaning tasks. 15% confessed to quite enjoying vacuuming, and 10% like organizing their closets. Flash’s spokesperson acknowledges that cleaning can often seem like a thankless job, but emphasizes the importance of having the right tools and mindset to make it more enjoyable and less time-consuming.

The study highlights the significant amount of time Britons spend on household chores. By finding more efficient ways to clean and using the right tools, individuals can save valuable time and make the task more bearable, allowing them to focus on more enjoyable pursuits.

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