In a remarkable turn of events, a retired geologist named Dr. Andrew Beckly has unearthed a lost Bronze Age settlement in his own backyard. Inspired by the popular television program Time Team, Beckly embarked on a journey of discovery that has led to the uncovering of over 2,500 artifacts.
Dr. Beckly’s adventure began with the discovery of an arrowhead while sifting earth in his garden. Recognizing the significance of his find, he expanded his search to nearby fields, unearthing a wealth of evidence that could potentially challenge established historical assumptions about life in Bronze Age Britain.
Dr. Beckly’s collection includes microliths, small tools dating back to the era of woolly mammoths, indicating continuous settlement of the area for nearly 10,000 years. This discovery contradicts the prevailing belief that prehistoric activity was primarily concentrated in the eastern part of the country.
Furthermore, Dr. Beckly’s findings include a ‘bladelet’ that bears striking similarities to samples typically found in France. This raises the possibility of trade and migration between France and England 10,000 years ago, a connection that has not been previously explored.
The significance of Dr. Beckly’s discovery cannot be overstated. It has the potential to shed new light on the distribution and nature of Bronze Age settlements in Britain. Heritage England is currently evaluating Dr. Beckly’s collection, and their findings could confirm his theory that the artifacts point towards evidence of trade and immigration between France and England before the dawn of written history.