Calcutta University’s Chess Initiative Fosters Community Building

Calcutta University Embarks on Chess Initiative to Foster Community ties

Calcutta University has launched a unique initiative to foster a stronger sense of community among its students, teachers, and staff members. Scheduled to take place on Tuesday, a chess competition will be held at the Senate Hall of the university’s College Street campus, echoing the iconic quote from Satyajit Ray’s renowned detective character, Feluda: “Cholo…Aa-mra magajastre shan di (Let’s hone our brain power).”

The event’s primary objective is to reignite the dwindling tradition of household chess while providing a platform for individuals from diverse CU campuses to come together, exchange ideas, and strengthen their bonds. According to CU’s interim Vice-Chancellor, Shanta Datta, this initiative is an attempt to revive the lost culture of chess in every household. The university hopes to facilitate meaningful interactions and collaborations among its community members through this event.

The initiative was spearheaded by CU’s sports officer, Aminul Haq, and development and planning officer, Kaushik Bal. Interested participants are required to register their participation by filling out a Google form before Sunday’s deadline. The university’s community has welcomed this initiative with open arms. Tajibul Haque, SFI CU president, expressed his appreciation for the university’s efforts in organizing such an event.

This chess competition is part of a broader effort by Calcutta University to promote a sense of community and engagement among its members. The university recognizes the importance of fostering a positive and inclusive environment where individuals can connect, collaborate, and grow together. Through initiatives like this chess competition, CU aims to create a vibrant and connected university community that fosters intellectual growth, creativity, and a shared sense of purpose.

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