California Bill Would Force Cars to Brake Automatically at 10 MPH Over Limit

If California Democrats get their way, driving in the Golden State could become a lot more frustrating. Senate Bill 961, introduced by State Sen. Scott Weiner, would require all cars to be equipped with speed monitors that would automatically brake the vehicle if the driver exceeds the speed limit by 10 mph.

Senator Brian Dahle, a Republican, has been fighting against this bill since its introduction. He argues that it is an unnecessary intrusion on personal freedom and that Democrats in Sacramento are prioritizing misguided initiatives over pressing issues such as crime, homelessness, and affordability.

Dahle points out that California is facing a number of serious problems, including rising crime, rampant homelessness, sky-high taxes, and a massive state budget deficit. He argues that Democrats should be focused on addressing these issues rather than introducing bills like SB 961, which he calls ‘harebrained’ and ‘cockamamie.’

Dahle is not the only one who is opposed to SB 961. The bill has also been criticized by civil liberties groups and by the California Highway Patrol. The CHP argues that the bill would be difficult to enforce and that it could lead to more accidents.

Despite the opposition, SB 961 is still alive in the California Senate. It is scheduled to be heard in the Senate Transportation Committee on April 26. If it passes out of committee, it will then go to the full Senate for a vote.

It is unclear whether SB 961 will ultimately become law. However, the bill has sparked a debate about the role of government in regulating our lives. Dahle argues that Democrats are going too far and that they are trying to control every aspect of our lives.

This bill is a perfect example of government overreach. It is an unnecessary intrusion on personal freedom and it will do nothing to make our roads safer. I urge the California Senate to reject SB 961 and to focus on addressing the real problems facing our state.

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