Campus Insanity: Time to Restore Order and Make College Commencements Boring Again

In the hallowed halls of academia, where knowledge is said to reign supreme, a disturbing trend has emerged: the transformation of college commencements into disruptive battlegrounds. These ceremonies, once a time for celebration and reflection, have become a stage for incendiary protests, casting a shadow over the hard-earned achievements of graduates.

The root of this disruption lies in the isolated and progressive echo chambers that many campuses have become. Far removed from the complexities of the real world, students are exposed to a narrow and often distorted view of society. This lack of diversity of thought fosters a culture of intolerance, where dissenting opinions are met with hostility and suppression.

As a result, we have witnessed a disturbing spectacle: anti-Israel protesters disrupting commencement speeches at Duke University and George Washington University, while a petition calls for the firing of a devout Catholic speaker at a Catholic university simply for expressing his beliefs. These incidents are not isolated cases but symptoms of a deeper malaise that is afflicting our institutions of higher learning.

The path forward is clear: university leaders must reclaim their authority and restore order to campuses. Clear guidelines for protests must be established, ensuring that free speech is upheld while preventing the disruption of university events. These guidelines should draw inspiration from the real world, where individuals have the right to protest but not the right to silence opposing voices or impede the lawful activities of others.

Furthermore, university leaders must foster an environment that encourages respectful engagement and critical thinking. This means creating spaces where students from across the ideological spectrum can come together, challenge each other’s ideas, and learn from one another. True education requires the free exchange of ideas, not the stifling of dissent.

Students who disagree with the prevailing left-wing orthodoxy should be welcomed to voice their opinions without fear of being shouted down or ostracized. This diversity of thought is essential for the intellectual growth and development of all students and prepares them for the challenges of the real world.

By demonstrating strong leadership and clarifying protest rules, university presidents can create campuses where all voices are respected and where commencements can return to their traditional purpose: celebrating the hard work and achievements of graduates. It is time to restore order and make college commencements boring again, allowing graduates to enjoy their moment of triumph without the distraction of divisive political protests.

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