Can Adaptogens Help You Manage Stress?

Adaptogens, ancient herbs, roots, and plants, have become popular in the wellness world for their alleged ability to help our bodies manage stress and restore balance after tough situations, according to UCLA Health. Many of these potions and pills have been around for thousands of years — but have only recently become ultra trendy.

These herbs won’t cause any harm — by definition adaptogens need to be nontoxic at regular doses — but they also might not be the magic mushroom you’re looking for. Meaning that you’re just wasting your hard earned cash on the wellness world’s latest snake oil.

Still, some small studies have shown positive results from taking an adaptogen — at least in the short term. “Some people have a benefit. And you have to wonder, is this a placebo effect, or is the adaptogen actually playing a role in regulating your stress?” Bhuyan questions.

Despite the shaky evidence, two adaptogens come up again and again in her practice: ginseng and ashwagandha.

Used for thousands for years to improve overall health, ginseng is one of the top adaptogens that Bhuyan says her patients can’t stop asking about. Proponents claim it can do everything from lower blood sugar to fight inflammation in the body. Some studies have shown also that ginseng may help in stress relief and improve immune function.

“People are looking for ways to not feel fatigued. People say, ‘Give me a pill, give me something to make me feel awake and alive’,” Bhuyan explained.

On the energy front, one small study from nearly a decade ago showed that the root could help people manage chronic fatigue. Another study from 2018 demonstrated that Korean ginseng had a positive cognitive effect on people doing memory tests over the course of six months.

In short, more research is needed, but there’s some promising evidence for this ancient root.

This ancient plant has been studied a number of times — but current research says it’s hard to draw conclusions because most of the studies have been small, and preparations of the plant vary from study to study.

“It’s supposed to help reduce anxiety and give people a calming effect,” Bhuyan says. “And so I have people that will take it before bed and it helps them sleep . And, you know, if that’s the case, I think that is fine. But ashwagandha is not the solution to all of our stress and anxiety.”

After anecdotal reports of people experiencing melatonin “hangovers” — feeling groggy the morning after taking the popular sleep aid — it’s no wonder that wellness seekers are looking for a different fix.

Like many other adaptogens, there haven’t been any long term studies done on ashwagandha to determine how safe it is. Current research says it’s safe for up to three months — but if you’re chronically stressed out, ashwagandha may not be able to help you.

If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, or currently take medication for depression or a thyroid condition, talk to your doctor first before you start dabbling with herbs, Bhuyan said. Experts also note you should avoid ashwagandha if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.

And although you can try supplements to battle your fatigue and fight your insomnia, Bhuyan emphasizes that it’s essentially just a band-aid solution. She said she encourages people to think about the root cause — rather than looking for a quick fix with a supplement or pill.

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