Tractor Beverage Company and HowGood Recognized by Fast Company for Organic Impact Tracker

Tractor Beverage Company and HowGood, a sustainability intelligence platform, have been recognized by Fast Company’s 2024 World Changing Ideas Awards for their Organic Impact Tracker. The tracker quantifies the benefits of sourcing organic ingredients versus their conventional counterparts, including synthetic pesticides avoided, organic land supported, carbon emissions avoided, water saved, and improved soil health. Tractor, the first and only organic company dedicated to food service, is also the only company in the world to track Synthetic Pesticides Avoided as part of its impact reporting.

Tacoma Public Schools Enhances Athletic Facilities with Hellas Matrix Helix Synthetic Turf

Tacoma Public Schools has partnered with Hellas to upgrade sports facilities across the district. The partnership involved the installation of Matrix Helix synthetic turf, shock pads, and all-natural Elia Renufill infill on various fields. Two tracks were also installed to enhance athletic offerings further. The new facilities provide improved ball response, shock absorption, and safety for student-athletes. Hellas’s expertise in sports surface manufacturing and construction ensured the successful implementation of the project.

Leviton’s Network Solutions Business Unit Achieves Carbon Neutrality

Leviton’s Network Solutions Business Unit has announced that it has achieved carbon neutrality ahead of schedule. This achievement was accomplished through a three-step process of measure, reduce, and offset. Leviton employed a global sustainability consultancy to measure its carbon footprint and identify areas of potential improvement. The company then reduced its carbon emissions by 55% through investments in clean energy providers and on-site solar power. Finally, Leviton invested in clean energy-focused carbon offset projects to offset the remaining emissions. The company is committed to achieving company-wide carbon neutrality by 2030.

Deloitte Explores Roadmap to Net-Zero Emissions by 2050

Deloitte’s latest report outlines a roadmap for achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, emphasizing cross-industry collaboration in key sectors such as infrastructure, power grid, industrial manufacturing, mining and metals, and land, water, and waste. The report stresses the urgency of action and the need for coordinated efforts to ensure a successful and sustainable energy transition on a global scale.

British Climate Tech Firm Levidian Establishes New US Base to Accelerate Decarbonization

Levidian, a leading British climate tech firm, has announced plans to establish a new base in the US to serve its growing customer portfolio. The company’s patented LOOP technology captures carbon from methane gas, converting it into clean hydrogen and high-quality graphene. Levidian is in discussions with potential customers in the US and is already working with Strategic Resources to deploy LOOP at the world’s largest green iron plant in Quebec. The company aims to generate revenues exceeding $100 million by 2030 and will create around 250 jobs in the US.

Eleven EU Nations Push for Nature Restoration Law Amid Green Deal Backlash

Eleven EU member states, led by Germany and Ireland, are urging their counterparts to approve the Nature Restoration Law (NRL), a crucial piece of environmental legislation facing opposition as part of the backlash against the European Commission’s Green Deal agenda. The NRL, designed to address decades of biodiversity loss, aims to restore 20% of degraded marine and terrestrial ecosystems by 2030 and sets binding targets for specific ecosystems. With a vote on the law expected during the June EU Council summit, the letter signed by Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Slovenia, and Spain highlights concerns over the ongoing lack of support for the negotiated agreement. The signatories emphasize the importance of environmental protection in the face of climate change and public expectations. The law’s passage requires a qualified majority, and a shift in stance by one opposing country could secure its approval.

Global Plywood Market to Grow at a CAGR of 4.36% from 2024-2028

The global plywood market is expected to experience significant growth over the next four years. Rising wages in manufacturing hubs, urbanization and industrialization in emerging economies, innovative products, and concerns for sustainability are key drivers of this growth. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.36% during the forecast period, with hardwood plywood being a major contributor. Plywood finds applications in various sectors, including concrete shuttering, doors, stairs, and framing, as well as in urbanization, infrastructure projects, and advanced manufacturing techniques.

CHAMPs: A New Era of Climate Action

The United Nations’ COP28 climate talks introduced CHAMP, the Coalition for High Ambition Multilevel Partnerships, emphasizing collaboration between states and subnational governments in climate planning, financing, implementation, and monitoring. Examples from Oslo, Stockholm, and Amsterdam showcase how cities have been implementing CHAMP principles through partnerships across sectors, demonstrating the potential for scaling up climate action and achieving ambitious climate targets.

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