Nestlé Reverses Nesquik Recipe Change After Backlash from Fans

Nestlé has announced it will be reverting to the original Nesquik recipe after a recent change to the powder resulted in widespread backlash from fans. Consumers complained about the new texture, citing a ‘sludge’ in the milkshake, and took to social media to express their disappointment. The company has apologized for the inconvenience and confirmed the old recipe will be back in stores by July.

Michelin Star Chef Thierry Presents an Exclusive Five-Course Dinner at Julius Restaurant

Experience a culinary extravaganza at Julius Restaurant with a special five-course dinner curated by renowned Michelin Star Chef Thierry. This exclusive event offers a chance to savor innovative cuisine and exquisite culinary artistry, featuring a meticulously crafted menu highlighting fresh ingredients and artistic presentation. Join us for an unforgettable evening of fine dining and culinary brilliance.

Record Labels Sue AI Startups Over Copyright Infringement

Major record labels, including Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group, and Warner Records, have filed lawsuits against AI startups Suno and Udio, alleging copyright infringement. The labels claim the startups’ software uses artists’ recordings to generate similar music without permission, threatening the entire music ecosystem. This legal battle highlights the growing concerns around AI’s impact on the music industry, particularly regarding the potential misuse of artists’ work.

Celebrating Black Joy: A Pan-African Art Exhibition Showcases 100 Years of Everyday Life

A monumental exhibition, ‘We Are Here’, explores the multifaceted nature of Black experiences through 100 years of figurative painting, showcasing everyday joy and defying stereotypical narratives of Blackness. This exhibition, originally conceived by the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa, Cape Town, and now on display at the Kunstmuseum Basel, Switzerland, features over 150 works by prominent and emerging artists, offering a vibrant panorama of Black artistry.

NYN ESTI Unveils New Seasonal Menu Celebrating Summer Solstice

NYN ESTI, an artistic concept restaurant in Athens, celebrates the Summer solstice with a new menu inspired by the changing seasons. The ‘Biotope’ menu, featuring dishes inspired by Greece’s diverse topography, uses fresh, local, and sustainable ingredients to create a culinary experience that reflects the transition from winter to summer. The restaurant also offers a unique cocktail selection that complements the menu.

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