Bella Ciao: A Song of Resistance Across Borders

Bella Ciao: A Song of Resistance Across Borders

The Italian protest song ‘Bella Ciao’ has become a global anthem of resistance, adopted by movements fighting against oppression and injustice. From its origins as a lament for Italian rice paddy workers to its use in anti-fascist struggles, feminist protests, and recent uprisings in Ukraine and Iran, the song’s enduring power lies in its versatility and message of solidarity.

Cafe Marco Celebrates Summer with Three Exceptional Buffets

Cafe Marco Celebrates Summer with Three Exceptional Buffets

Cafe Marco is launching three exciting buffets this summer, offering a culinary journey through Hong Kong street food, refreshing fruity desserts, and prime steak delights. Indulge in the Nostalgic Cart Noodle lunch buffet, the Fruity Summer tea buffet, or the Prime Steak Dinner buffet – each offering a unique and memorable dining experience.

Jam or Cream First? The Great Scone Debate Rages On

Jam or Cream First? The Great Scone Debate Rages On

The age-old debate of whether jam or cream should go first on a scone continues to divide the nation. A recent survey and an poll revealed a clear preference for the Cornish method of jam first, but the Devonshire cream-first contingent remains strong. This article explores both sides of the argument, ultimately leaving the decision to your own personal taste.

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