India’s Health Ministry Targets Surrogate Tobacco Ads in Cricket

The Indian government is cracking down on surrogate tobacco advertising in cricket, particularly gutka ads featuring Bollywood celebrities. The health ministry plans to request the BCCI to stop displaying these ads, citing their negative influence on young audiences. This move comes after a study revealed the prevalence of such ads during recent cricket matches, raising concerns about the promotion of smokeless tobacco products.

Feeling Tired? It Could Be Bone Cancer: Experts Urge GP Visit

Feeling persistently tired, even with enough sleep? Cancer Research UK highlights fatigue as a potential symptom of bone cancer, urging individuals to consult their GP for any persistent tiredness. While bone cancer is rare, early detection is crucial for successful treatment. The article details common bone cancer symptoms, including pain, swelling, difficulty moving, fever, and weight loss, and emphasizes the importance of seeking medical attention for any concerning symptoms.

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