Caught on Camera: Animal in Rashtrapati Bhavan During Oath-Taking Ceremony Clarified as House Cat

Amidst the grand oath-taking ceremony for the newly elected parliamentarians of the National Democratic Alliance led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a series of videos emerged on social media that captured the attention of viewers. The videos depicted an animal roaming freely within the corridors of the esteemed Rashtrapati Bhavan.

As the videos gained traction and went viral, speculations ran rampant, with many netizens suggesting that the animal in question was a leopard. These speculations led to concerns regarding a potential security breach and raised questions about the safety protocols in place at the venue.

However, the Delhi Police swiftly moved to quell these rumors, issuing a clarification that the animal spotted during the live telecast was not a wild animal, as some media outlets and social media handles had claimed, but a common house cat.

In a statement released on social media, the Delhi Police urged citizens to refrain from spreading frivolous rumors and to rely on official sources for accurate information. They emphasized that the animal captured on camera was indeed a harmless house cat, and that there was no truth to the claims of a wild animal being present at the Rashtrapati Bhavan.

The clarification from the Delhi Police brought a sense of relief, dispelling the unfounded fears and speculations that had been circulating online. It also highlighted the importance of accurate news dissemination and the need for citizens to rely on credible sources for information, especially during events of national significance.

Meanwhile, the oath-taking ceremony proceeded, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and 71 other leaders taking their oaths to serve in the Modi 3.0 ministry. The new cabinet comprises 30 Cabinet ministers, five Ministers of State with Independent Charge, and 36 Ministers of State, marking a new chapter in the political landscape of India.

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