Celebrating Father’s Day: The Impact of a Loving Father

In the tapestry of life, there are threads that run deep, connecting us to those who have shaped our very essence. Father’s Day, a day set aside to honor the men who have touched our lives in profound ways, is a time for reflection and heartfelt appreciation. For me and my sister Billie, this day holds an immeasurable significance. When people gaze upon the sprawling landscapes of Masungi Georeserve, they often see our faces, but when they truly experience its beauty, they are enveloped by the humble heart and boundless soul of our father, whose very being is woven into every nook, crevice, and rope that graces this sanctuary. My father’s unwavering dedication to Masungi is a testament to his unwavering belief in the power of nature and its ability to heal and inspire. Long before the concept of restoration ecology gained traction, he poured his life savings, skills in engineering and gardening, and, most importantly, his vision, love for nature, and unwavering perseverance into this labor of love. It was his unwavering spirit that tenderly nurtured Masungi from a barren, lifeless area to the vibrant sanctuary it is today, a haven not only for people but for a multitude of life forms. Growing up under the watchful eyes of our father was an adventure in itself. Our childhood, spent amidst the concrete jungle of Metro Manila, was far removed from the traditional toys and activities that occupied our peers. Instead, our weekends were a symphony of nature’s wonders, filled with long walks in the mountains, where we marveled at the breathtaking views and learned the art of navigating the untamed wilderness. Our adventures were not without their challenges; we stumbled, rolled down steep inclines, and bore the scars of our encounters with nature’s elements. Summers were spent toiling in the farmlands, under the scorching heat of the sun. These experiences were not mere pastimes but profound lessons in the value of community and the importance of working the land as equals, not as mere onlookers. Our father’s teachings extended beyond the rugged landscapes we explored. In the tranquility of our backyard, amidst the verdant garden, he imparted invaluable lessons through heart-to-heart conversations. His gifts, often accompanied by his signature smile, brimmed with zest for life. Tiny clay pots, filled with seeds, were not just tokens of affection but symbols of growth and renewal. In times of adversity, the solace of nature, found amidst the whispering trees, brought a sense of calm and perspective. Through these experiences, he instilled in us a profound understanding of the magic of life and the remarkable ability of our bodies and minds to heal and grow. His unwavering belief in integrity, excellence, and empowerment has left an indelible mark on our lives. He always emphasized the importance of doing things the right way, not the easy way, making decisions that would bear fruit not only in the present but for generations to come. His unwavering moral compass guided him in making difficult choices, teaching us that true integrity means standing up for what is right, even when it is unpopular or challenging. While others may seek fame, wealth, or excess as motivators for building resilience, his unwavering purpose was to cultivate resilience within us, so that we could preserve our humanity and unwavering principles, both individually and collectively. Many have labeled my father as progressive, but his actions are driven by a deep wellspring of empathy and care. In a society that often values sons over daughters, he never allowed me or my three sisters to feel any less capable. He encouraged us to embrace our strengths and weaknesses, making decisions based on our own unique qualities rather than societal expectations. He never imposed his dreams upon us, but instead, he dreamed so profoundly and with such gentleness that he inspired everyone around him to dream alongside him. His empathy extended beyond the human realm, encompassing all forms of life. He would express remorse for the demise of a fire ant that had bitten us, saying, “Kawawa naman, hindi ka naman mamamatay sa kagat niya” (Poor thing, you wouldn’t have died from its bite), subtly reminding us that life is more precious than self-preservation, and that calculated risks should always be taken in honor of life. Excellence was a cornerstone of our father’s approach to life, quietly and humbly focusing on details that others might overlook. He was a man of action, leading by example rather than mere words. His belief in demonstrating results over rhetoric was unwavering, and he possessed a remarkable intellectual humility, embracing challenges and continuously seeking knowledge. Though an engineer by profession, my father’s heart belongs to the realm of creativity. His curiosity and boundless imagination are infectious. His unwavering optimism for those around him and for the country is a beacon of hope, fueled by his deep-seated belief in the beauty of life, the potential of our nation, and the importance of contributing positively to it, regardless of one’s background. Within the breathtaking landscapes of Masungi, there is a rock peak named Tatay, a symbol not of towering dominance but of an enabling and empowering presence, reaching for the sky and inspiring others to soar to greater heights. As we celebrate Father’s Day, my heart overflows with gratitude for my father, our protector, not only of our family but of our team, the Filipino people, and countless other forms of life. There was a time when I wished he was ours alone, but the world is undeniably more beautiful because his heart overflows. He is our rock, our unwavering support, and the guiding force that has helped us, Masungi, and our country reach unimaginable heights. I am eternally grateful for his presence in our lives, for the legacy he has built, and for the unwavering love he has showered upon us. As told to Daphne Sagun.

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