Chandigarh Aims to Elevate Tourism with Focus on MICE under Swadesh Darshan 2.0

The UT Administration of Chandigarh is poised to elevate its tourism offerings under the ambitious Swadesh Darshan 2.0 initiative. This project aims to create a diverse range of tourism products showcasing the city’s unique regional strengths, popular attractions, and overall tourism profile. A report, commissioned by the Union Ministry of Tourism and developed by a consultant, emphasizes Chandigarh’s remarkable potential in MICE tourism. With its strategic location, top-notch infrastructure, and cosmopolitan appeal, the city is strategically positioned to host corporate events and large-scale conferences.

The report highlights the city’s iconic architecture, rich cultural heritage, and diverse accommodation options as attractive features for business travelers. The favorable climate and safe environment further solidify Chandigarh’s appeal as a prime MICE destination. Expanding its meeting facilities and establishing a strong MICE brand presence could significantly boost its tourism appeal. While major cities like New Delhi, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Chennai, and Ahmedabad dominate global MICE rankings, India’s overall share in the international business tourism market remains modest. The exhibition sector in India is experiencing consistent growth, but the report emphasizes the importance of robust marketing efforts to attract more business visitors.

Chandigarh’s excellent accessibility, robust infrastructure, and cultural diversity are key elements that make it an ideal candidate for MICE tourism. To fully leverage this potential, the report recommends establishing a dedicated MICE Promotion Bureau and building a state-of-the-art convention center. These initiatives would provide comprehensive support for MICE events, enhancing Chandigarh’s appeal to both national and international markets.

The report identifies the lack of a dedicated convention center as a major obstacle for Chandigarh. The absence of an adequate venue for hosting large-scale national and international conferences is a significant drawback. A dedicated convention facility would not only elevate the city’s reputation as a MICE hub but also drive economic growth in the region. The report proposes that the convention center be developed through a public-private partnership (PPP) model to ensure the creation of a world-class facility that meets global standards.

This facility would showcase Chandigarh’s cultural heritage and support the development of associated infrastructure, solidifying its position as a prime location for business events and fostering cross-cultural interactions. The administration is also collaborating with the United Nations Development Programme to develop a Tourism Vision Document 2047. Initial findings suggest that geographic constraints, the absence of a convention center, and limited marketing efforts are major challenges.

Chandigarh’s future tourism strategy will encompass branding and marketing initiatives, capacity building, public engagement, MICE tourism development, and technological enhancements. All these components will be integrated into a comprehensive Destination Master Plan to shape the city’s tourism landscape.

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