Chaos in Portland: Man High on Methamphetamine Rampages Through Apartment Tower

Amidst a relentless ice and snow storm, Portland found itself frozen in the early hours of January 14th. Meanwhile, downtown, a sinister and chaotic scene unfolded within the luxurious Portland Astoria apartment tower.

Matthew Lee Holland, a 31-year-old energy trader under the influence of methamphetamine, embarked on a rampage, tearing through the walls of his apartment unit (804) and into neighboring units. The sound of gunfire echoed through the hallways, forcing residents to seek cover in fear of their lives.

As the chaos escalated, members of the Portland Police Bureau’s Special Emergency Reaction Team (SERT) arrived on the scene. They wheeled in a protective shield to navigate the dangerous hallway, attempting to evacuate residents who had been trapped due to the ongoing gunfire. Despite their efforts, the situation remained volatile, with Holland’s rampage continuing unabated.

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