Cheese Storage Hacks: Top Tips for Keeping Hard and Soft Varieties Fresh

Cheese Storage Hacks: Top Tips for Keeping Hard and Soft Varieties Fresh

Storing cheese properly can significantly extend its shelf life and prevent spoilage. Here are three expert-approved hacks to keep your hard and soft cheeses fresh:

1. Hard Cheeses: Store with White Vinegar

To increase the longevity of hard cheeses like Cheddar, Edam, and Gouda, use white vinegar. Soak a piece of kitchen roll in the vinegar and seal it in a zip-lock bag with the cheese. This mild acid kills mold and prolongs the cheese’s life by up to six weeks. According to Medicine Net, white vinegar is effective against approximately 82 percent of mold species.

2. Soft Cheeses: Seal with Sugar Cubes

To prevent soft cheeses like feta from absorbing moisture and becoming watery, store them in a container with sugar cubes. The cubes absorb excess moisture, preventing sweating and keeping the cheese fresh. Replace the cubes periodically to maintain their effectiveness.

3. Feta Cheese: Preserve in Brine

Store feta cheese in a sealed jar filled with a brine solution made from salt and water. This method helps maintain the cheese’s moisture and prevents spoilage, extending its lifespan by up to three weeks. Brine keeps the cheese submerged, preventing air exposure and the growth of harmful bacteria.

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