Chef’s Secret Ingredient for the Fluffiest Pancakes: Mayonnaise

Tired of the same old pancakes? Looking for a way to make them extra fluffy and delicious? Well, one chef has a secret ingredient that might just change your breakfast game: mayonnaise.

Heather Thomas, author of *The Mayo Lover’s Cookbook*, believes that a dollop of creamy mayonnaise is the key to fluffy, satisfying pancakes. While most pancake recipes rely on a simple mix of eggs, flour, and milk, Thomas’s unique twist incorporates mayonnaise into the batter, resulting in a lighter, airier texture that’s perfect for drizzling with maple syrup and topping with your favorite breakfast additions.

The recipe caters to four people and is incredibly easy to whip up. Simply whisk together an egg, milk, and vanilla extract in a bowl, then add a dollop of mayonnaise directly from the fridge. Next, sift flour into the bowl, followed by baking powder and sugar. Whisk until everything is well combined and you have a smooth batter. Pour the mixture into a measuring jug, then heat a small drizzle of oil in a non-stick frying pan over medium heat.

Add a small ladleful of the batter to the pan and cook for one to two minutes, or until the top of the pancake starts to bubble and it’s golden brown underneath. Flip over to cook the other side, remove from the pan, and drain on kitchen paper to keep warm. Repeat with the remaining batter, then stack the pancakes high and drizzle with maple syrup. Enjoy with fresh fruit, Greek yogurt, or crispy bacon.

So, next time you’re craving pancakes, try adding a dollop of mayonnaise to your batter. You might just be surprised at how much fluffier and tastier your breakfast becomes.

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