Chelsea Manalo: Miss Universe Philippines 2024 Defines Beauty Beyond Skin Deep

Chelsea Manalo, the newly crowned Miss Universe Philippines 2024, is making history as the first Black Filipino woman to hold the title. Her journey to the crown is a testament to her unwavering self-belief and her commitment to challenging traditional beauty standards. For Manalo, beauty is not just about physical appearance; it’s about finding purpose and embracing who you are.

Growing up in the Philippines, Manalo faced societal pressures to conform to Eurocentric beauty ideals. Her Afro-Filipino features, including her curls and dark complexion, were often seen as different and even undesirable. This experience left her questioning her own beauty and struggling with self-doubt. However, a pivotal moment came when she encountered the term ‘Black beauty’ while watching America’s Next Top Model. Inspired by Tyra Banks’ outspoken nature and confidence, Manalo realized that her unique features were what made her beautiful.

Manalo’s parents also played a crucial role in building her self-esteem. They instilled in her a sense of worth and encouraged her to believe in herself. During the final Q&A portion of the Miss Universe Philippines competition, Manalo recalled her mother’s words: “As a woman of color, I’ve always faced challenges in my life. I was told that beauty has a standard. But for me, I always listened to my mother, to always believe in yourself and uphold the values you have in yourself.”

Manalo’s message is clear: true beauty lies in embracing your authentic self and finding purpose in your life. She believes that passion is key to self-acceptance. “I was more inspired to love and accept myself when I saw the purpose [behind my work], what beauty can do to society and having a voice to speak and influence.”

Her victory signifies a significant shift in Filipino beauty standards, embracing inclusivity and diversity. However, Manalo acknowledges that social media can still create unrealistic expectations and pressure young girls to conform to narrow beauty ideals. She encourages young people to be kind to themselves and to each other.

Chelsea Manalo’s journey is a powerful reminder that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and shades. Her message of self-acceptance and embracing your unique qualities resonates deeply, inspiring a new generation to redefine beauty on their own terms.

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