Chilled Reds: The New Wine Trend Sweeping the Globe

The world of wine is constantly evolving, with new trends emerging every few years. The 2010s saw the rise of rosé, while the early 2020s witnessed the mainstreaming of orange wine. Now, a new wave is taking the wine scene by storm:

chilled reds


From bustling bars in New York City to wine lists across the globe, chilled reds are garnering attention and becoming a go-to choice for discerning drinkers.

But what exactly are chilled reds? This term encompasses red wine varietals that are best enjoyed at cellar or fridge temperature. While full-bodied reds like Cabernet Sauvignon thrive at warmer temperatures, lighter blends such as Gamay, Lambrusco, Beaujolais, and Grenache benefit from a slightly cooler serve.

The appeal of chilled reds goes beyond just temperature preference. It’s a trend fueled by several factors:



The term ‘chilled reds’ is a simple and easy-to-understand descriptor, making it a convenient choice for consumers unfamiliar with wine jargon.


Natural Wine Movement:

The growing popularity of natural wines, often lighter-bodied and best served chilled, has contributed to the rise of chilled reds.


Year-Round Enjoyment:

Traditionally, red wines have been marketed as a fall and winter beverage, while white and rosé wines are associated with summer. Chilled reds offer a refreshing alternative that allows wine enthusiasts to enjoy red wine throughout the year.


Savvy Consumers:

Today’s wine consumers are more knowledgeable about wine and its optimal serving temperatures. They understand that chilled reds provide a more balanced, structured, and enjoyable tasting experience.

So, the next time you find yourself at a wine bar or browsing a wine list, don’t hesitate to embrace the trend and try a glass of chilled red. You might just discover your new favorite way to enjoy this classic beverage.

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