China Accuses US of Shielding Israel and Obstructing Gaza Ceasefire Efforts

China has launched a scathing accusation against the United States, alleging that Washington has been shielding Israel and obstructing ceasefire efforts in the ongoing Gaza conflict. This accusation was made during a series of statements delivered by Chinese diplomats at the United Nations in New York, as reported by the South China Morning Post.

Over two days of meetings, Chinese diplomats asserted that the US has repeatedly protected Israel, hindering attempts to establish a ceasefire. They forcefully argued that Israel’s withdrawal from occupied Palestinian territories is a legal obligation, not a matter of choice.

During a UN Security Council briefing on Monday, China’s deputy permanent representative, Geng Shuang, questioned the Council’s failure to halt the escalating humanitarian crisis in Gaza. He highlighted the tragic loss of civilian life in Gaza, exceeding 41,000, with a majority of victims being women and children, according to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk.

Geng directly criticized the US for vetoing three previous ceasefire resolutions at the UNSC. He stated, “Had the US not shielded one side time and again, multiple resolutions of this council would not have been flagrantly rejected and defied.”

Geng also condemned the attacks on humanitarian agencies, which have tragically resulted in the deaths of 224 UN Relief and Works Agency staff members. He urged Israel to investigate these attacks and hold the perpetrators accountable.

At the UN General Assembly’s emergency special session, China’s permanent representative Fu Cong reiterated that Israel’s continued occupation of Palestinian territory constitutes a violation of international law. He emphasized that ending the occupation is a non-negotiable legal obligation for Israel.

This accusation from China comes at a time of heightened geopolitical tensions. In April, China reaffirmed its support for Iran, strengthening ties following Iran’s direct military actions against Israel. During a phone call with Iran’s Foreign Minister, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi expressed China’s commitment to deepening cooperation with Iran and acknowledged Iran’s stance on its military actions as self-defense.

It’s worth noting that the militant group Hamas, which has been actively engaged in the conflict, has reportedly been armed with weapons from Iran, China, Russia, and North Korea. Despite facing a 17-year blockade, Hamas has managed to accumulate a diverse arsenal, effectively utilizing them in urban warfare against Israeli forces.

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