China Condemns US Aid to Taiwan, Citing ‘Dangerous Situation’

The package includes USD 8 billion for Taiwan, meant to counter the threat of invasion by China, which claims the entire island as its own territory and has threatened to take it by force if necessary. The mainland’s Taiwan Affairs Office said the aid “seriously violates” to China and “sends a wrong signal to Taiwan”.

China has long claimed Taiwan as its own territory and has threatened to take it by force if necessary. The United States has maintained a policy of “strategic ambiguity” on Taiwan, not explicitly stating whether it would defend the island in the event of a Chinese invasion. However, the US has also provided Taiwan with substantial military aid over the years, and the recent aid package is a significant increase in that support.

The Chinese government has condemned the US aid package, saying that it “seriously violates” China’s sovereignty and “sends a wrong signal to Taiwan”. The aid package is likely to further increase tensions between the United States and China, which have been escalating in recent months over a range of issues, including trade, human rights, and the South China Sea.

In addition to the aid package to Taiwan, the US Senate also passed USD 95 billion in war aid to Ukraine and Israel. The aid package to Ukraine is intended to help the country defend itself against the ongoing Russian invasion. The aid package to Israel is intended to help the country defend itself against threats from Iran and other adversaries.

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