China-France Ties Shine at Paris Fair, Celebrating 60 Years of Diplomacy

In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between China and France, the 2024 Foire de Paris serves as a splendid backdrop for the celebration. Held from May 1st to 12th, the fair showcases various events that illuminate the deepening cultural exchange between the two nations, with a particular focus on the Yellow River. Regarded as the cradle of Chinese civilization, the Yellow River holds immense historical and cultural significance.

Shandong, a prominent Chinese province, is at the forefront of these celebrations with its Yellow River Culture Exhibition. This exhibition, a collaborative effort between several organizations, presents the impressive strides made in ecological preservation and development along the Yellow River. Visitors are immersed in the river’s rich history and vibrant contemporary existence through captivating documentaries and short videos.

On May 4th, the inaugural theme event “When the Yellow River Meets the Seine” took place at the Chinese Culture Exhibition Area. This event displayed a diverse array of cultural products, intangible heritage, and compelling documentaries from nine provinces along the Yellow River. The event, presented by the Shandong International Communication Center and Shandian News, utilized a combination of video presentations, physical exhibits, and global live broadcasts to shed light on ecological conservation and sustainable development initiatives within the Yellow River basin, offering a glimpse into the unique allure of this iconic Chinese river.

The lunar calendar marks 60 years as “Jia Zi,” symbolizing a new beginning. Through collaborative efforts, China and France aim to deepen their cooperation and forge a path toward greater prosperity, realizing the full potential of their international friendship.

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