China Investigates Alleged Air Space Incursion into Japanese Territory

Tensions between China and Japan have escalated following a reported incursion of Japanese airspace by a Chinese military aircraft. Tokyo has condemned the incident as a “serious violation” of its sovereignty, asserting that Beijing’s actions are becoming increasingly aggressive.

The alleged incursion occurred on Monday at 11:29 am local time (0229 GMT), lasting for two minutes. The aircraft involved was identified as a Chinese Y-9 surveillance aircraft, which flew near the Danjo Islands in the East China Sea. Japan responded by scrambling fighter jets.

While acknowledging Tokyo’s claims, China’s foreign ministry spokesman Lin Jian stated that “relevant Chinese departments are in the process of gathering information and verifying the situation.” He emphasized that China maintains communication with Japan through existing channels and “has no intention of intruding into the territorial airspace of any country.”

This incident highlights the growing tensions between China and Japan, particularly over control of the East China Sea. Japan, a close ally of the United States, has expressed increasing concerns about Chinese military activities in the region. The situation will continue to be closely watched for further developments.

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