China’s Role in Fentanyl Crisis: Report Exposes CCP’s ‘Deadly Trade’

A bombshell report has shed light on the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) direct involvement in the devastating fentanyl crisis gripping the United States. Released by The Heritage Foundation, the report, titled “Holding China and Mexico Accountable for America’s Fentanyl Crisis,” details how the CCP actively funds, supports, and promotes the trafficking of fentanyl, America’s deadliest drug threat.

The report, obtained by Fox News Digital, paints a stark picture of a global partnership between China and powerful Mexican cartels that has fueled a public health emergency. While the role of Mexican cartels in smuggling fentanyl across the border is well-known, the report highlights China’s often overlooked contribution in supplying the precursor chemicals used to manufacture the deadly drug.

The report cites congressional findings that reveal the CCP directly subsidizes the production and export of illicit fentanyl materials. Furthermore, a Chinese tax rebate program incentivizes the export of certain fentanyl precursors, directly contradicting China’s claims of being unable to control illegal activities by smugglers and identify manufacturers involved in the trade.

The report underscores the pervasiveness of the problem, noting that fentanyl precursor chemicals are being shipped to Mexico through air cargo, postal services, and maritime routes. Evidence also points to a growing Chinese presence in smuggling networks operating in Canada.

The Biden administration has taken steps to combat the fentanyl crisis, including increasing access to treatment and bolstering security at ports of entry. However, the report warns that these efforts may not be enough. It argues that China has historically used negotiations to secure concessions from the U.S. while continuing its deadly trade.

The report also criticizes the complicity of corrupt Mexican officials with drug cartels, stating that the Mexican government has abandoned any pretense of combating these criminal organizations.

The authors of the report propose a more assertive U.S. strategy. They advocate for exposing China’s involvement in the fentanyl trade publicly, increasing penalties for financial institutions involved, and reshoring pharmaceutical supply chains away from China. The report also calls for a concerted effort to dismantle the corrupt networks within the Mexican government that facilitate the drug trade.

The report concludes with a stark warning: if the U.S. fails to take decisive action against both China and Mexico, the fentanyl crisis will continue to claim thousands of lives, potentially reaching millions. The authors argue that the U.S. must recognize that it cannot rely on good faith cooperation from the Chinese and Mexican governments. Instead, the U.S. must take a more proactive approach to expose, deter, and dismantle the criminal networks that are fueling this deadly epidemic.

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