Chinese Startup WeRide Gets Green Light to Test Driverless Vehicles in California

WeRide, a Chinese autonomous driving startup, has received the green light to test its driverless vehicles with passengers in California, marking a significant milestone in the global race for autonomous vehicle technology. The California Public Utilities Commission has granted WeRide a permit to operate its driverless vehicles in San Jose and nearby areas, allowing for both manned and unmanned testing. The permit is valid for three years. However, WeRide is currently prohibited from offering rides to the general public or charging fares.

This approval comes as WeRide prepares for a potential initial public offering (IPO) in the United States, aiming to raise up to $119.4 million. This move places WeRide in the spotlight of the competitive autonomous driving sector, where companies are vying for dominance.

WeRide’s success comes as Alphabet Inc.’s subsidiary, Waymo, faces public backlash in San Francisco due to its vehicles causing disturbances. This highlights the ongoing challenges autonomous vehicle companies face in gaining public acceptance.

The future of autonomous driving technology is fiercely competitive. Gary Black, Managing Partner at The Future Fund, has voiced skepticism about Tesla Inc.’s ability to maintain a monopoly in the unsupervised L4/L5 autonomy market. He believes that other companies, including Waymo, Baidu, and Mobileye, will achieve and receive approval for unsupervised Level 4/5 autonomy around the same time as Tesla.

A recent poll indicated that almost 50% of respondents anticipate Tesla gaining approval for its Full Self-Driving (FSD) technology by 2025. Black emphasizes that Waymo has set the benchmark for Tesla to obtain approval for its robotaxi service. To gain similar approval, Tesla must demonstrate efficacy comparable to Waymo’s and be willing to assume liability for any damage or injury caused by its vehicles.

The race for autonomous driving is intensifying, with WeRide’s success in California adding another competitor to the field. As companies like Waymo, Baidu, and Mobileye push forward with their own advancements, it remains to be seen who will emerge as the leader in this rapidly evolving technology.

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