Clarkson University Receives $1.5 Million EPA Grant for PFAS Detection Technology

Clarkson University has received a substantial grant of nearly $1.5 million from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to spearhead research into developing and demonstrating cutting-edge nanosensor technology. This technology holds the potential to detect, monitor, and even degrade PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) in groundwater or surface water sources that are used for drinking water.

PFAS poses a serious threat to both the environment and human health. While the adverse effects of PFAS are widely recognized, the lack of rapid and effective strategies to identify, measure, and degrade these harmful substances remains a significant challenge.

The project, led by Silvana Andreescu, Clarkson University Visiting Research Professor and Chair of the Department of Environmental Health Sciences at Florida International University, will leverage nanosensing technology developed in her laboratory. An interdisciplinary team, including Clarkson’s Jean S. Newell Distinguished Professor of Engineering Thomas Holsen, along with professors from Stevens Institute of Technology, University of Nebraska, and the University of Buffalo, will collaborate on this endeavor.

The goal of this research is to create an integrated nanosensor technology that can be used in the field to detect and degrade PFAS. This sensor will be a first-of-its-kind, field-ready technology for detecting PFAS, providing invaluable insights into PFAS exposure levels and evaluating the effectiveness of remediation efforts.

The outcome of this project will be a new portable nanosensing technology, designed as a self-contained unit with interchangeable sensing and degradation components. This technology will enable rapid estimation of PFAS exposure levels and assess the efficacy of remediation measures. Importantly, these sensors are designed to be user-friendly and cost-effective.

This development represents a significant opportunity for efficient and cost-effective monitoring of PFAS, ultimately reducing the impact of PFAS exposure, promoting sustainable environmental practices, and facilitating rapid intervention.

“We are incredibly excited that the EPA recognizes the significant work our researchers are dedicated to at Clarkson University. We are also immensely grateful for the leadership of U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer and our representatives for their strong support for Clarkson on a national stage,” stated Kelly Chezum, Vice President for External Relations. “This grant from the EPA is the latest in a series of acknowledgements that demonstrate Clarkson’s leadership in PFAS technology.”

“By leveraging this nearly $1.5 million federal investment that I helped secure, Clarkson is poised to take the lead in protecting our drinking water from PFAS. With these federal funds, Clarkson’s pioneering researchers will develop cutting-edge nanosensors for rapid PFAS testing and remediation, safeguarding families in the North Country and across New York State,” emphasized Senator Schumer. “I have been a relentless advocate for removing PFAS from New York, from Hoosick Falls to Newburgh to New York City. I am immensely proud that New York State continues to be at the forefront of this critical effort. I can’t think of a more fitting recipient for this EPA investment than Clarkson University.”

For more information about this project, please visit the EPA website at

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