Clash of Pro-Palestinian and Pro-Israeli Demonstrators Paralyzes UCLA

Pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli demonstrators clashed at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) on May 1st, leading to hours of violent confrontations and disruptions to campus activities. The demonstrators engaged in fistfights, shoving, kicking, and even used sticks to assault one another. The situation escalated to the point where officers in riot gear were deployed to Columbia’s campus on Tuesday after they breached the Hamilton Hall building, which had been occupied by pro-Palestinian protesters. The Los Angeles Police Department was also called in at UCLA’s request.

According to reports, over 1,600 individuals have been arrested in pro-Palestine campus protests over the past two weeks, with 282 arrests made on Tuesday night at Columbia University and City College New York. On Wednesday, New York Police Department Commissioner Edward Caban confirmed that over 280 protesters had been arrested at Columbia University and the City College of New York. Chief of Patrol John Chell corroborated this information, stating that the NYPD had made 282 arrests – 173 at City College and 109 at Columbia.

In the midst of the chaos, New York Mayor Eric Adams attributed the Columbia University protests to “outside agitators.” Adams stated, “Once I became aware of the outside agitators who were part of this operation, as Columbia mentioned in their letter and their request with the New York City Police Department, it was clear we had to take appropriate actions.”

As the situation unfolded and details remained unclear, netizens took to social media to express their outrage and share their perspectives. Rafael Shimunov asserted, “Zionist groups dressed like Proud Boys violently attack UCLA students while police do nothing.” Ryan Grip shared a video and commented, “You stand no chance, old lady!” Pro-Israel rioters at UCLA acting like total cartoon villains. Marina Medvin also shared a video and wrote, “The 3-hour beat down at UCLA was both surprising and inevitable. The reality is that you can only provoke and antagonize people (even a peaceful people) for so long before they decide enough is enough.”

Alejandra Caraballo described the events as “A Zionist mob attacked the UCLA encampment last night beating students, launching fireworks into the encampment, pepper spraying students, and throwing tear gas canisters. This is a scene out of the West Bank happening on an American campus.” Dr. Omar Suleiman observed, “Pro-genocide Zionists attacking protestors at the UCLA Gaza encampment. Isnt it ironic how temporary encampments on campuses create so much anger, but permanent illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian land are business as usual?” Ian Miles Cheong shared a video and added, “Hundreds of counter protesters showed up at UCLA to beat the crap out of the protesters there after a girl was beaten unconscious for being Jewish.”

Teresa Watanabe reported, “200+ pro-Israel counterprotestors are attacking the @UCLA pro-Palestinian encampment. They started beating on one student and stomped another under a plywood board per @latimes @safinazzal on the scene. Where is UCLA security?” Palestinian MP Mustafa Barghouti similarly stated, “Pro Israeli mobs violently attacked pro Palestinian protesters at UCLA university while the police was watching.”

Meanwhile, New York City Mayor Eric Adams justified the police intervention at Hamilton Hall, claiming it was necessary “for the safety of those children.”

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