CNN Reverses Licht’s Decisions, Welcomes Back Exiled Liberal ‘Stars’

Former CNN Stars Return, Signaling Reversal of Licht’s Decisions

Under previous leadership, CNN had undergone a shift away from a partisan stance, with the firing of several prominent liberal voices. However, in recent weeks, some of these exiled stars have made a return to the network, marking a departure from the less partisan approach implemented by former CEO Chris Licht.

Jeffrey Toobin, a former chief legal analyst for CNN, has made at least 20 appearances, often discussing former President Trump’s hush money trial. Don Lemon, who was fired last April, recently spoke about his feud with Elon Musk. Brian Stelter, the former chief media correspondent, has also reappeared twice.

These returns have sparked speculation about whether they signal a rollback of Licht’s decisions. Licht was hired to address concerns about CNN’s liberal bias, and his firing of several staff members drew mixed reactions. The return of these former personalities, who were seen as embodying the network’s previous stance, could indicate a shift back toward a more partisan approach.

Licht’s tenure was also marked by programming changes, including the cancellation of shows and the launch of new ones. However, these efforts have not been successful, with both the morning show overhaul and the primetime experiment “King Charles” being scrapped due to poor ratings.

The return of the exiled stars and the rollback of Licht’s programming decisions suggest a rebuke from current staff and a potential return to the more liberal, anti-Trump stance that had characterized CNN under previous leadership. It remains to be seen whether this shift will lead to a change in CNN’s direction or whether it is simply a temporary adjustment in response to internal pressures.

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