Coding Kids: The Future of Tech is Here, and It’s Talking React

The world of coding is no longer just for adults. A recent viral video showcasing young children discussing coding concepts like React has ignited a conversation about the future of tech education.

The video, shared on social media, features three boys casually reviewing a coding assignment. One calls the code “pretty basic,” while praising the user interface, buttons, and colors. Another child suggests additional features, demonstrating a level of understanding that mirrors seasoned coders.

The video has garnered over a million views and thousands of shares, with users expressing a range of reactions. Some are impressed by the kids’ early exposure to coding, viewing it as a positive sign of the future. Others, however, are concerned about the potential impact on childhood development, arguing that children should be spending time on arts, communication, and sports instead.

One user commented, “It should be illegal to expose kids to React,” adding that they should be exposed to “arts, communication, and sports.” Another user shared a personal anecdote: “I once got stuck on a complex issue and found the solution on YouTube from a 14-year-old boy.”

This viral video highlights the evolving landscape of technology and education. While coding is undeniably becoming increasingly important, the question of how early children should be introduced to it remains a subject of debate. The video serves as a stark reminder that the future of tech is already here, and it’s talking React.

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