College Protests Intensify Over Israel-Gaza Conflict

College Protests Intensify Over Israel-Gaza Conflict

Tensions continue to simmer over Israel’s war in Gaza, sparking widespread protests on college campuses across the United States.

Columbia University Suspends In-Person Classes

Columbia University canceled in-person classes on Monday due to ongoing demonstrations. Protesters have set up an encampment on campus, leading to arrests and heightened security concerns. Columbia President Minouche Shafik expressed concern and announced that all classes would be held virtually until further notice.

Arrests at Other Universities

Similar protests have erupted at other campuses, including the University of Michigan, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and Yale University. At Yale, dozens of protesters were arrested after defying warnings to leave an encampment set up on Beinecke Plaza. Protesters demand that the university divest from defense companies with ties to Israel.

Free Speech and Inclusivity

These demonstrations have tested the limits of free speech and inclusivity on college campuses. Muslim students and their allies advocate for schools to condemn Israel’s actions, while some Jewish students report feeling unsafe and unsupported amid rising antisemitic rhetoric.

MIT Student Concerns

Prahlad Iyengar, an MIT graduate student, expressed frustration with the university’s response to the protests. He argued that students have the right to demonstrate and that MIT should clearly define its rules and guidelines.

Columbia Jewish Students’ Concerns

Nicholas Baum, a Jewish freshman at Columbia, expressed concern about antisemitism and the vilification of Judaism on campus. He reported that protesters were calling for the destruction of Israel and that some non-students were involved in the antisemitic rhetoric.

Yale President’s Statement

Yale President Peter Salovey addressed the protests on Sunday, acknowledging the importance of free speech but emphasizing the need to follow university policies and guidelines. He stated that demonstrators who violated these policies would face consequences.

USC Valedictorian’s Speech Canceled

In a separate incident, the University of Southern California canceled a planned commencement speech by its 2024 valedictorian due to security concerns. The valedictorian had publicly supported Palestinians, prompting criticism from some pro-Israel groups.

As the conflict continues, college administrators are grappling with the challenges of maintaining a balance between free speech and a safe and inclusive campus environment.

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