Estefanía Piñeres Duque’s latest creation, ‘Mu-Ki-Ra,’ is a captivating 2D animated film co-produced by Colombian Letrario and Spanish Abano Producións. The film is set to make its debut at the prestigious 2024 Cannes’ Marché du Film Animation Day, showcasing its unique blend of vibrant visuals and compelling storytelling.
At the heart of ‘Mu-Ki-Ra’ lies Cleo, a courageous thirteen-year-old girl whose world is turned upside down when her younger brother, Martín, is devoured by a monstrous beast. Determined to bring her brother home, Cleo embarks on a perilous journey guided by a wise old woman. Along the way, she must navigate a treacherous land haunted by monsters made of vegetation, each one more terrifying than the last.
Duque, the film’s creator, actress, and screenwriter, draws inspiration from her own Latin American roots to craft a story that explores the complexities of childhood in a challenging environment. ‘Mu-Ki-Ra’ celebrates the light and beauty that can be found amidst darkness, offering a poignant reflection on the human experience through a fantastical lens.
With its vibrant and energetic visuals inspired by the works of renowned artists like Brecht Evens and the craftsmanship of Emberá and Kuna peoples, ‘Mu-Ki-Ra’ promises to captivate audiences with its stunning artistry. The film’s scheduled delivery in 2025 eagerly awaits its arrival on the global stage, where it is poised to enchant and inspire audiences of all ages.