Columbia Student: Campus Not Safe for Jews Amid Anti-Israel Protests

Anti-Israel protests have swept across elite universities, raising concerns about the safety of Jewish students. At Columbia University, antisemitic rhetoric and threats have been reported, including signs targeting Jewish students and slogans like “We don’t want Zionists here.” Amid these incidents, police made arrests on campus, but protesters continued to gather.

Similar demonstrations occurred at New York University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Emerson College, with tents and signs calling for the eradication of the Jewish state. The president of Columbia University testified before a House committee on antisemitism and allowed the NYPD onto campus for arrests, while the president of Yale University warned protesters of potential discipline and arrests before police moved in.

Despite these measures, students continued to protest, highlighting the ongoing need for universities to address antisemitism and promote a safe and inclusive environment for all students.

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