Columbia University Switches to Hybrid Learning Amid Israel-Hamas Conflict Protests

Amid ongoing protests regarding the Israel-Hamas conflict, Columbia University has announced a switch to hybrid learning for the remainder of the semester. This move prioritizes student safety while ensuring the continuation of academic operations.

The decision follows the arrest of over 100 pro-Palestinian demonstrators who had set up camp on Columbia’s campus. Similar protests have spread across multiple college campuses, including New York University (NYU), where hundreds of demonstrators gathered and arrests were made.

Universities nationwide face the challenge of balancing safety and free speech rights during these demonstrations. Many institutions that once tolerated protests are now resorting to stricter disciplinary measures.

NYU spokesperson John Beckman stated that classes were continuing as scheduled on Tuesday.

The Israel-Hamas conflict has ignited protests on numerous college campuses, including those in New York City. Campuses nationwide grapple with maintaining safety while upholding student rights to express their views on the situation.

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