Common Ground with Bill Spadea Discusses Substance Abuse Crisis and Wellness in New Jersey

New Jersey 101.5’s ‘Common Ground with Bill Spadea’ will delve into the pressing issue of substance abuse and the pursuit of wellness in New Jersey this Wednesday at 7 p.m. The episode will feature a panel of experts, including Ryan Zofay, Stephen Reil, Daniel Regan, and Rob Gill.

Zofay, the founder of addiction treatment centers, will share insights into the complexities of substance abuse and its impact on individuals and families. Reil, a business development officer at We Level Up New Jersey, will discuss the organization’s efforts to promote mental health and recovery support. Regan, a recovery advocate, will provide firsthand perspectives on the challenges and triumphs of overcoming addiction. Gill, the CEO of TNT Sports Performance Training and author of ‘Surviving Success,’ will highlight the importance of physical and mental well-being, showcasing the transformative impact of tailored training programs.

Moderated by Bill Spadea, the discussion will explore evidence-based approaches to substance abuse treatment, recovery, and maintaining long-term wellness. The show will also feature Bill live from Paramus, engaging with listeners and delving deeper into the topic.

Furthermore, the episode will shed light on TNT Sports Performance Training, a facility dedicated to improving functional movement and supporting the physical demands of individuals at all levels. From personalized training plans to youth development programs and professional athlete conditioning, TNT offers a comprehensive approach to fitness and performance enhancement.

Don’t miss this informative and engaging episode of ‘Common Ground with Bill Spadea,’ where practical solutions and common-sense approaches to the substance abuse crisis and wellness journey in New Jersey will be explored. Join the conversation on New Jersey 101.5 or watch live via the YouTube channel.

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