Communist China’s Growing Threat: A Call to Action for State Leaders

A bipartisan report on the United States’ readiness to respond to foreign threats paints a concerning picture: Communist China’s influence is pervasive and growing, impacting every aspect of American life. From agriculture and business to education and border security, the threat is real and requires decisive action.

The report highlights alarming statistics: China now owns a staggering 349,442 acres of U.S. agricultural land, an 82% increase in just three years. This alarming trend raises concerns about food security and potential manipulation of the American agricultural sector.

Beyond land ownership, the report reveals that Chinese nationals are increasingly infiltrating the U.S. border illegally, further exacerbating national security concerns. This influx, coupled with the arrest of a Chinese national in New York City for importing enough fentanyl precursors to kill millions, underscores the gravity of the situation.

Communist China’s influence extends beyond national borders, penetrating even state capitals. In 2017, the California legislature faced pressure from Chinese officials who threatened to damage relations if they passed a resolution criticizing the religious persecution of Falun Gong members. This incident serves as a chilling reminder of the CCP’s willingness to exert influence on American politics.

The report stresses the urgent need for state leaders to act as Washington continues to falter in its response. Americans are increasingly worried about the threat posed by Communist China, with 78% of general election voters and 86% of Republicans identifying China as a top foreign threat. This widespread concern underscores the need for decisive action at the state level.

The report identifies several key areas where state leaders must take action to protect American interests:


Protecting U.S. agriculture, farmland, and food supply:

Measures must be taken to prevent further encroachment of Chinese interests in American agriculture, ensuring food security and maintaining control over the nation’s food supply.


Defending American political independence and stopping attempts to lobby state and local politicians:

States need to implement stricter regulations to prevent foreign influence on local politics, safeguarding American democracy.


Promoting American jobs and American industry:

States must prioritize policies that foster American jobs and protect American industries from unfair competition from Chinese companies.


Keeping Chinese technology out of state government:

States need to be vigilant about potential security risks posed by Chinese technology and ensure that sensitive information is not compromised.


Guaranteeing “Made in the USA” infrastructure:

States should prioritize using American-made materials and products in infrastructure projects, bolstering American industries and creating jobs.


Maintaining independence in higher education:

States must ensure that higher education institutions remain free from undue foreign influence, protecting academic freedom and safeguarding sensitive research.


Safeguarding national security and stopping Chinese nationals from invading our border:

States must collaborate with federal authorities to strengthen border security and prevent illegal immigration.

The report concludes with a rallying cry for state leaders to take action. It emphasizes that protecting America’s freedoms, values, and identity requires a unified effort, starting at the state level. The Protecting America Initiative is calling for support for state lawmakers who are committed to safeguarding America from the growing threat posed by Communist China’s ideology.

This report serves as a stark warning about the escalating threat posed by Communist China. It is a call to action for state leaders across the country to recognize the danger and take decisive steps to protect American interests before it is too late.

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