Congress Manifesto: Addressing Inequality for a Just and Vibrant India

Congress Manifesto: Addressing Inequality for a Just and Vibrant India

The Congress party’s Nyay Patra manifesto for the 2024 general election comprehensively addresses the challenges faced by Indian society. Recognizing the urgent need to tackle unemployment, rising prices, and the erosion of civil liberties, the manifesto outlines concrete solutions to these pressing issues.

The manifesto also acknowledges the importance of social justice and equitable opportunities for all. It proposes various measures to address the underrepresentation of disadvantaged groups in decision-making positions across various sectors. The implementation of a Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC) is a key proposal, aiming to provide evidence-based data on social and economic disparities.

The Congress party’s commitment to inclusivity and gradualism is evident throughout its history. From the Green Revolution in the 1960s to the liberalization policies of the 1980s and 1990s, the party has consistently worked to balance progress with the concerns of all sections of society.

The manifesto proposes a measured approach to addressing inequality. It seeks to generate accurate census data, including caste information, to inform fact-based discourse and policymaking. For the affluent sections of society, it promises stability in the Direct Taxes Code, lower taxes for MSMEs, and tax relief for small businesses facing competition from online retailers.

The Congress manifesto is not a radical redistribution agenda, as some have claimed. It is a reasonable attempt to address inequality and promote inclusion, guided by data and attentive to the diverse voices within Indian society.

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