Console Gaming Gets a Boost with Frame Generation Technology

FSR 3 Brings Frame Generation to Consoles, Blurring the Lines Between PC and Console Gaming

The line between PC and console gaming continues to blur as AMD’s FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) 3 frame generation technology makes its way to the latest Xbox and PlayStation consoles. This innovative technology promises to enhance gaming performance and visual quality on consoles, potentially narrowing the gap with high-end PCs.

Impressive Performance Uplift in Immortals of Aveum

Initial tests conducted by Digital Foundry in Immortals of Aveum on Xbox Series X demonstrate the impressive impact of FSR 3. The game’s frame rates soared from an average of 46 fps to a remarkable 80 fps, representing a substantial 72% increase. This performance boost transformed Immortals of Aveum from a somewhat inconsistent 40-60 fps experience to a smooth and stable high refresh rate game.

Limitations and Visual Artifacts

While FSR 3 delivers significant performance gains, it is not without its limitations. Digital Foundry’s analysis revealed occasional visual artifacts and freezing issues. Sudden frame drops, camera cuts during cinematics, and frame stutters were observed. Additionally, 2D HUD elements remained unaffected by frame generation, resulting in noticeable discrepancies in frame rates across different screen areas.

Potential for Future Improvements

Despite its current limitations, FSR 3 represents a promising step forward for console gaming. Its introduction on Xbox and PlayStation consoles demonstrates the potential for frame generation technology to enhance gaming experiences on these platforms. While widespread adoption may take some time, FSR 3’s presence on consoles could potentially reduce the performance gap between PCs and consoles in the future.


AMD’s FSR 3 frame generation technology brings significant performance improvements to Xbox Series S/X and PlayStation 5 consoles. While the technology is still in its early stages of development and faces some limitations, it holds great promise for the future of console gaming. As FSR 3 matures and gains wider adoption, it could potentially blur the lines even further between PC and console gaming, offering gamers a more immersive and performant experience regardless of their platform of choice.

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