Convene 4 Climate: Driving Sustainability in the Business Events Industry

PCMA and SANCBE proudly announce Convene 4 Climate, the global business events industry’s inaugural sustainability conference. Taking place in Barcelona from 2-3 October, this exclusive, workshop-based gathering aims to drive responsibility, harness technology, and deliver transformative solutions to address the pressing challenges of climate change.

Convene 4 Climate will explore three central themes: Reimagine, Inspire, and Movement. These themes underscore the imperative to mitigate climate impact, achieve long-term profitability, and inspire optimism as a global movement, transforming the industry’s offerings and production methods.

Reimagine the Future of Business Events

Sherrif Karamat, CAE, PCMA and CEMA President and CEO, emphasizes the transformative nature of Convene 4 Climate: “Co-created with SANCBE, PCMA is paving the way for a regenerative future that empowers the global business events industry to operate sustainably while driving positive change in the new economy. It is time to embark on this transformative journey to reimagine the future, inspire sustainable progress, and ignite a movement towards a more resilient tomorrow.”

Inspire Sustainable Progress

The conference aims to showcase the potential for long-term profitability in harmony with environmental stewardship. By joining this global movement, participants will gain insights into how sustainability can drive business success and create a positive environmental impact.

Movement Towards a Resilient Tomorrow

Convene 4 Climate seeks to ignite a movement that fosters optimism and resilience in the face of climate challenges. The event will bring together a diverse and influential community of sustainability leaders, facilitating meaningful discussions, collaborative problem-solving, and the development of actionable strategies.

SANCBE Co-Chairs Matthias Schultze, Managing Director of the German Convention Bureau (GCB), and Eric Bakermans, Director Marketing Meetings & Conventions of the Netherlands Board of Tourism & Conventions (NBTC), highlight the role of business events in addressing complex issues:

“Business events offer platforms for addressing complex issues, serving as crucial catalysts for successfully merging sustainability and digitalization. Europe, a hub for meetings and conferences, leads this transformation with initiatives like the European Green Deal, providing both a strategic framework and practical solutions. To invigorate our collective mission, it is essential to synchronize our efforts and find inspiration in one another.”

Interested participants are encouraged to submit an Expression of Interest, as the event targets a diverse and influential community of sustainability leaders. The curated programming will offer meaningful discussions, collaborative problem-solving, and the development of actionable strategies.

Convene 4 Climate aims to revolutionize the business events industry by integrating sustainability into every aspect of event planning and execution. This transformative conference will serve as a catalyst for positive change, encouraging industry leaders to reimagine, inspire, and move towards a sustainable and resilient future. Together, PCMA, SANCBE, and participants will set a new benchmark for sustainability in the global business events industry.

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