Costco: Not for the Goods, But the Freebies!

For those lucky enough to have a Costco membership, the allure of deals is undeniable. But one woman’s Costco experience goes beyond discounted TVs, air fryers, and birthday cakes. TikTok user @bantercards confessed that her true motivation for venturing into the retail giant isn’t about the products at all – it’s all about the free samples!

In her TikTok video, she invites viewers on a tour of her Costco adventure in the UK, revealing her sole focus: “the water and the samples.” The first stop was a selection of crisps served in charming cupcake wrappers. “What I love about the samples is that you have to pretend you’re interested in what they’re selling when really you just want the samples,” she joked. Next up were noodles, which she deemed “disgusting” and declined to purchase. Pancakes were the next offering, prompting a humorous remark about her sister pretending to be unfamiliar with the taste of pancakes.

The brownies, however, were a hit, earning her approval with a declaration of “amazing!” She couldn’t resist purchasing a box. While the lady from the brownie stall was momentarily absent, the duo seized the opportunity to enjoy a few extra bites. Perinaise was the next sample, and then came the highlight – 40 bottles of water for a mere £3.50. “This is the only reason we come,” she declared playfully. They finished their sampling spree with a cheese sample and a complimentary cup of coffee.

But the true star of the show, as she proclaimed, was the “best bit” – the affordable food court. She enthusiastically praised its affordability, proclaiming it “so cheap.” Her concluding recommendation? “If you can get a Costco membership, I’d highly recommend it, just for the cheap food and the samples to be honest, because it’s a lovely day out.”

For this savvy shopper, a Costco trip isn’t just about shopping – it’s a carefully curated free food experience, a delicious and affordable way to spend an afternoon.

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