Court Rejects ‘Protect Kids California’ Ballot Initiative Language

A Sacramento County Superior Court Judge has rejected the ballot title and summary for a proposed initiative that would limit the rights of transgender students in California. The initiative, proposed by a group called Protect Kids California, would require schools to notify parents if a student identifies as transgender, ban gender-affirming care for those under 18, and place other restrictions on students who identify as a gender other than what they were assigned at birth.

Attorney General Rob Bonta gave the initiative a new name, “An Act to Protect Parental Rights in School,” and a new summary that describes it as a measure that would “protect parental rights by requiring schools to notify parents of certain student information and by prohibiting schools from providing gender-affirming care to minors without parental consent.” The group Protect Kids California sued Bonta, arguing that the new language is misleading and does not accurately reflect the intent of the initiative.

At a hearing on Friday, the group’s attorneys argued that the state’s ballot language is biased and misleading, and doesn’t accurately reflect what the initiative would do. Bonta’s summary says the initiative would require parental notification “without exception,” but Zachreson’s group argued that schools would be required under existing law to not inform parents if students would be subject to abuse or neglect at home as a result. Attorneys also argued over the definition of “privacy.” The California Department of Education says that on issues related to their gender identity. Attorneys for Protect Kids CA argued that the policy was never approved by voters, courts or the Legislature, and in fact says parents have a right to view student records.

The judge rejected the group’s arguments, ruling that the ballot language is fair and accurate. The group is now considering its next steps, including a possible appeal.

The ruling is a setback for Protect Kids California, which is trying to collect 550,000 signatures by May 28 to qualify the initiative for the November ballot. The group has so far collected just over 200,000 signatures.

The initiative is part of a broader campaign to restrict the rights of transgender people in the United States. Similar initiatives have been proposed in other states, and several states have passed laws that restrict the rights of transgender students.

Advocates for transgender rights say that these initiatives are discriminatory and harmful. They argue that transgender students need to be able to access gender-affirming care and other support services in order to thrive.

The outcome of the Protect Kids California initiative is likely to be closely watched by both supporters and opponents of transgender rights.

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