Craigslist Love Scam: Woman Paid To Catfish Dates

In the digital age, finding love online has become a common practice, but it can be a frustrating experience with endless scrolling and seemingly unattainable connections. One woman decided to take a unique approach to the dating world by answering a Craigslist ad offering a peculiar side hustle. The ad, titled “Help me find love online,” promised to pay someone to pretend to be the poster and set up dates for them.

Gili Malinsky, an editor in New York City, was struggling with student loan debt and a hefty tax bill, so she was actively seeking additional income. When she stumbled upon this unusual Craigslist ad, she was intrigued. The ad description stated: “I will give you access to my accounts. You will facilitate some dates with guys who have all their teeth, a job, and some other criteria I’ll tell you about later.” The woman offered $25 per hour or a flat rate per date, which was enough to pique Malinsky’s interest.

“I couldn’t believe it. This gig actually sounded fun,” Malinsky said, describing her initial reaction. She scheduled a Skype call with the woman and met her for drinks the next day to discuss the details. Malinsky’s job was to search dating apps like Bumble and OkCupid for potential dates, chat with the men, and try to set up real-life encounters.

Initially, the woman offered an upfront payment of $100 and agreed to pay $150 for each successful date. However, things quickly took a turn for the worse. Malinsky spent over 20 hours chatting with dozens of men over the next three weeks, finding the experience of pretending to be someone else bizarre and uncomfortable. The woman, however, proved to be incredibly picky, rejecting every potential date Malinsky presented. She would scrutinize each man and find flaws, ultimately refusing to actually go on any dates.

Despite her efforts and the initial payment, Malinsky never saw another dime. After some time, she reached out to the woman to see how she was doing and discovered that she had reconnected with an old match from Tinder. “Dreams DO come true,” the woman told Malinsky.

This story serves as a reminder that while online dating can be a viable option for finding love, it can also be a source of unexpected and sometimes bizarre experiences. It highlights the lengths some people go to in their quest for love, and the cautionary tale of pursuing unconventional opportunities for financial gain.

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