Crispy Mini Sausage Rolls: A Simple Recipe for a Crowd-Pleasing Treat

Craving a delicious and easy appetizer that’s sure to please a crowd? Look no further than these crispy mini sausage rolls! This simple recipe, inspired by Matthews Cotswold Flour, yields 12-16 perfectly sized rolls, ready to be devoured in just 50 minutes of prep and 20 minutes of baking. Best of all, these sausage rolls are freezer-friendly, allowing you to whip up a batch and enjoy them fresh whenever the craving strikes.

Simple Ingredients, Big Flavor

One of the things that makes this recipe so appealing is its short list of ingredients. You won’t need to spend hours searching for obscure items at the grocery store. Just grab the following essentials:

* 200g All Purpose Flour
* 200g Salted Butter (diced and chilled)
* 100g Cold Water
* Six Pork Sausages (chipolatas are ideal, go for the best quality you can afford)
* Six Rashers of Smoked Streaky Bacon

Crafting a Flaky Pastry

The key to achieving that classic, flaky pastry lies in the technique. Here’s how to create the perfect base for your mini sausage rolls:


Rubbing in the Fat:

In a large bowl, gently rub the diced, chilled butter into the flour. Don’t aim for breadcrumbs here; you want to create large, flaky pieces of butter within the flour mixture.


Forming the Dough:

Make a well in the center of the flour mixture and pour in the cold water. Use a fork or knife to gently combine the ingredients until a shaggy dough forms. Tip the dough onto your counter and knead it just until it comes together completely.


Folding and Chilling:

Roll the dough out into a rectangle about 2cm thick. Fold the bottom third of the dough upwards towards the middle, then fold the top third down on top of that. Wrap the folded dough in cling film and chill in the fridge for 30 minutes.


Repeat the Folding:

Remove the dough from the fridge and, keeping the seam on the right side, carefully roll it out into a rectangle of the same size. Repeat the folding process and return the dough to the fridge for another 30 minutes. Repeat this final folding and chilling step one more time before proceeding.

Assembling the Sausage Rolls

While the dough chills, prepare your sausage and bacon filling. Remove the casings from the sausages and cut the bacon rashers in half lengthwise to shorten them.


Roll Out and Layer:

Remove the dough from the fridge and roll it out into a larger rectangle, about 1cm thick. Place the bacon rashers in a single row across the pastry, starting about 5cm from the top. Lay the sausages in a line directly on top of the bacon.


Enclose and Cut:

Roll the pastry down over the sausage and bacon filling, marking where the filling ends. Leaving a 5cm ‘foot’ of pastry, trim off the excess. You may have enough leftover dough to make a few more sausage rolls or use it to create a different pastry treat.


Shape and Bake:

Use a floured fork to press down on the pastry overhang to create a decorative edge, similar to a pie crust. Use a sharp knife to cut the sausage rolls into your desired size and place them on a baking sheet. Brush the tops with an egg wash or milk and refrigerate for 15 minutes while your oven preheats to 190 degrees Celsius (170 Fan). Bake the sausage rolls for 15-20 minutes, or until golden brown and puffed up.

Freezing for Later

These mini sausage rolls are perfect for making ahead. Simply place the entire baking tray in the freezer. Once the rolls are frozen solid, transfer them to a freezer bag for storage. When ready to bake, bake from frozen at 190 degrees Celsius (170 Fan) for 25-30 minutes.


Let these crispy, flavorful mini sausage rolls be the star of your next gathering. Serve them hot with a cup of tea or alongside your favorite dip for a truly satisfying treat. Happy baking!

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