Dan Philip, Civil Rights Activist and Co-Founder of Black Coalition of Quebec, Remembered

Former colleagues, politicians, and community leaders gathered to pay tribute to Dan Philip, a civil rights activist and former president of the Black Coalition of Quebec. As a stalwart in the community, Philip’s efforts to combat racism predated the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement.

The Coalition, co-founded over 50 years ago by Philip, initially served as a pressure group, later evolving into a human rights activist organization. Philip’s dedication to fighting overt discrimination in various domains, such as the taxi industry and housing, led to significant changes across Quebec.

Black politicians, including Gracia Kasoki Katahwa, credited Philip’s trailblazing efforts for their own political success. Katahwa emphasized his unwavering courage in the face of challenges. Philip’s activism extended beyond the Black community, as he advocated against antisemitism and Islamophobia, standing in solidarity with other marginalized groups.

The legacy of the Black Coalition’s success in fostering positive change was highlighted by Ryan Cox, a board member of the organization. He stressed the importance of continuing Philip’s mission in the wake of his passing.

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