The upcoming horror comedy series ‘Dead Boy Detectives’ has made the move from Max to Netflix, as explained by showrunner Steve Yockey. The switch allows for the show to incorporate references to ‘The Sandman’, which is also based on Neil Gaiman’s comic book series and streams on Netflix.
Initially, Yockey and his team planned to build a ‘Dead Boy Detectives’ show that took place in ‘The Sandman’ universe. However, Warner Bros. prevented the use of any ‘Sandman’ IP due to legal reasons. Despite this setback, the move to Netflix provided an opportunity to create a shared universe and incorporate Easter eggs and crossover elements with ‘The Sandman’.
Yockey and his team requested specific elements from the ‘Sandman’ series, which were granted. Neil Gaiman and Allan Heinberg, the showrunner of ‘The Sandman’, also expressed their support for the crossover.
The ‘Dead Boy Detectives’ series stars George Rexstrew as Edwin Paine, Jayden Revri as Charles Rowland, Kassius Nelson as Crystal Palace, Yuyu Kitamura as Niko, Jenn Lyon as Esther, Briana Cuoco as Jenny the Butcher, and Ruth Connell as the Night Nurse. All eight episodes of the first season will be available for streaming on Netflix on April 25th.