In a shocking and unprecedented turn of events, deceased New Jersey Congressman Donald Payne Jr. has emerged victorious in the Democratic primary for his congressional district. Despite passing away from a fatal heart attack on April 24th, Payne Jr. remained the only candidate to register for the primary, which took place on Tuesday.
Under New Jersey election rules, a deceased candidate cannot be replaced on the ballot. As a result, Payne Jr.’s name will remain on the ballot for the general election in November. However, a special primary election will be held on July 16th to determine Payne Jr.’s successor.
New Jersey’s 10th congressional district, which includes Newark and other urban areas, is heavily Democratic, with a 6-1 registration advantage. The district has not been represented by a Republican since 1946.
Payne Jr. had held the seat since 2012, succeeding his father, Donald Payne Sr., who had held the seat for 20 years prior. The elder Payne also passed away while in office.
The unusual situation has drawn attention to the unique election rules in New Jersey and the challenges that can arise when a candidate passes away during an election cycle. Nearly a dozen Democrats have already expressed interest in vying for the seat in the special primary election.