Death of Famous White Grizzly Bear Nakoda Saddens Wildlife Officials

Nakoda, a beloved white grizzly bear in Yoho National Park, British Columbia, has succumbed to injuries sustained in a vehicle collision on June 8. The incident has cast a shadow of sadness over wildlife officials, who had witnessed Nakoda’s resilience and strength in the face of human interaction.

Nakoda’s journey took a tragic turn when she was startled by a passing train and ran onto the Trans-Canada Highway near the Lake O’Hara turnoff. One vehicle managed to swerve and avoid a collision, but another struck the bear. Despite climbing over a fence and exhibiting a slight limp, Nakoda’s injuries proved fatal, and she was found deceased two days later.

Wildlife officials had invested considerable time and effort in monitoring Nakoda, fitting her with a GPS collar in 2022. Their deep connection with the bear made her untimely demise a devastating blow. Parks Canada staff had implemented measures to keep the bears away from the roadside, but Nakoda’s persistent presence and comfort along the highway, driven by her search for sustenance, ultimately led to her fatal encounter.

The incident highlights the ongoing challenges of balancing wildlife conservation and human safety. Parks Canada reiterates the importance of refraining from stopping to view wildlife, driving cautiously, and obeying speed limits. By adhering to these guidelines, visitors can contribute to the protection of wildlife and prevent further tragedies like Nakoda’s untimely death.

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